Fortune Select Trinity, a business hotel in Whitefield, is located around 1.5 km south of Seetharampalya Lake and occupies an area of 2.59 acres.
There are 142 rooms and 154 toilets in the hotel, as well as a restaurant, kitchen, laundry, staff kitchen/dining, and staff toilets in the main block, a health club with a spa in another block and a swimming pool to the east of the entrance. There is 1 acre of open space (lawn area) next to the health club and small patches with plants and grass near the entry and exit of the hotel premises.
Fortune Trinity Select campus
This commercial establishment needs around 21,900 KL (kilolitres) per year of tanker water, which costs around ₹12 lakhs/annum. In an effort to secure its future water availability, the hotel has turned to rainwater harvesting as a sustainable solution to this problem.
Tanker water: Used for all purposes other than drinking and cooking.
Water cans: For drinking and cooking purposes.
Two borewells: Both are dysfunctional currently and not yielding.
An STP running on SBR technology produces around 35 KLD of treated wastewater, all of which is used to water the garden and lawn. The WTP processes all the water from the raw water tank and stores it in the treated water tank before it is supplied in the building.
Rooftop rainwater harvesting has been implemented in both buildings, but different strategies have been adopted in each case.
Rainwater harvesting schema
Water-saving plumbing fixtures and aerators have been fixed on the taps, along with low-flow shower heads in all the bathrooms of the hotel. Kitchens are equipped with dishwashers to reduce the consumption of water, and aerators have been fixed on all taps in the kitchen and laundry rooms. All these measures help in reducing the consumption of fresh water in the hotel by reducing wastage.
Earlier, about 6-7 tankers of water per day were needed. After implementing some of the water management strategies, their tanker water consumption has come down by one tanker a day. This translates to a reduction of about 365 tankers per year.
To utilise the shallow groundwater, the hotel has dug an open well in the campus to serve as a cheap and sustainable source of water and to aid its water security by reducing its dependence on tanker water further. A pump test and water quality test will be conducted before implementing this plan to determine its effectiveness.
Here is the detailed case study of Fortune Select Trinity.